How to Spot a Fake Gucci Soho Disco Bag

Shopping designer bags secondhand always comes with a risk. We want to give you a piece of mind, so you feel comfortable shopping luxury items the sustainable way – here’s our guide on how to spot fake Gucci Soho Disco bags.

First thing first, how does the Gucci Soho Disco bag look? It’s a small leather bag with a boxy shape with a stitched GG-logo. Everything is done in the same color leather, making it a subtle bag. It has an adjustable leather strap – perfect for either crossbody or shoulder wear – and an oversized tassel on one side. The bag is shaped to sit comfortably over the hip and is one of the most popular Gucci bags to this day.

Even though it’s a bag on the smaller side, it’s still very practical. The lining is done in thick cotton and it has two pouch pockets including one for a phone as well as other open pockets.

When designing the bag, Gucci and designer Frida Giannini revisited the brand’s archives from the 1970s, which explains the vintage feel of the leather crossbody in elegant pebbled calfskin. The Soho bag line was first released in 2014 as the second wave of logo mania was about to hit making the stitched GG-logo an instant hit, even though the bag is also one of the more discreet and minimalist bags from Gucci.

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Here are some things to look out for if you’re buying a secondhand Gucci Soho Disco bag!

The Soho Disco bag is only available in one size: 21 cm length, 15 cm height, 7 cm width, and it’s available in three classic colors that carry on from season to season: Black, red and rose beige. Seasonal colors such as green, white and navy are occasionally available.

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1. The logo

There are a couple of things to be aware of when looking at the logo on the front of the bag. The logo must for one be symmetrical and second it must be slightly convex, meaning it will not be completely flat and level with the rest of the bag. The stitching will however be completely flat and will not protrude.

2. The tassel

As mentioned, the Disco Soho bag has an oversized tassel on one side. This must be leather on both sides! On fake Soho Disco bags, the tassel will most likely only be leather on one side – meaning one side will have a slightly different color. On an authentic bag both sides will be leather and have the same color – the same as the bag.


3. The length of the strap

Beware of the length of the strap! It’s adjustable, but the authentic bag strap has a drop of 55 cm, when it’s at its longest. Therefor you should be on the look out for straps longer or shorter than 55 cm.

4. Extras

If you’re lucky enough to get your hands on a secondhand Disco Soho bag that comes with the original extras, this is what you should look out for.

If you get the original dust bag this should always be white! When you buy a Gucci Soho Disco bag from new it’ll also come with a small square of leather – same leather as the bag – that you can test impregnation spray and so on.

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All hardware on the bag will be gold-toned and should not have fading! Scratches come with time, but the color of the hardware shouldn’t change.

5. The buckle on the strap

As mentioned, the length of the strap is adjustable. This is possible with a little buckle – the strap is like a belt in that way. This buckle must be rounded! On fake bags they’re usually square with an engraving reading ‘Gucci’.

6. The metal that attaches the strap

The ring that attaches the strap to the bag must be a flattened – or narrow – circle. Given this the strap and the piece of leather attaching the ring to the bag will sit very closely inside the ring. On fakes the two pieces of leather don’t touch because the ring isn’t flattened or narrow. The metal of the ring also shouldn’t be too shiny.



We’ve now gone through the things you should notice on the outside of the bag, so let’s now dive into the inside of the bag.

7. Thread

It’s a small but important thing to consider: Thread. In an authentic bag you won’t find any shiny or glittery threads.

8. Label

The label on the back wall inside the bag will be made from the same leather as the bag and will be perfectly and precisely cut. This label will have a stamped inscription which will be symmetric as well. All of the letters also have to be same size and font! The inscription will be deep and even – on fake bags the inscription can seem too superficial and as if the stamp hasn’t been pressed hard enough.

The stitching at the top of the label has to be sown in a straight line, but the separate stitches will have a slight angle to them. This normally doesn’t occur on fake versions of the bag.

9. Serial number

On the back of the same label as above, you’ll find a serial number. The style number for a Soho Disco bag is 308364 and your unique bag will have another six characters following the style number. No more, no less.

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Written by Alberte Gram
Alberte Gram is a fashion writer based in London.
The people pictured are not associated with The Archive
or The Vintage Bar, and do not endorse the products shown.